I am so grateful JKL helps introducing us to
the Modellers Gallery, so I write a few words about this GM Cannon in
English for our japanese friends. It was a project to convert the
original old model (more than 20 years ago!!) by combining it with an
HG GM, to give it a more modern look.
After all this modifications, you can see not much of the old model was left. Only right chest, part of the legs, part of the cannon and back of the head were used. This is an earlier photo of the GM.
The color scheme is a kind of desert digital camo, which is my first try, and it seems alright to me. Enjoy!!
此作拖拖拉拉要到2010笑笑團前至真正完成. 比起上次趕工影月曆相時加了不少東東. 最顯眼係多o左支槍, 槍係來自HG BD-1再稍作加工. 上次影相要暫借30巾的手, 今次隻炮吉就有了一對自家山寨複件手.
噴格仔迷彩時都有少少意外--小腿部份底油咬唔實俾遮蓋膠紙扯甩o左, 真真正正"甩青"!! 咁就唯有補噴深啡格格遮住甩油部份啦.... 唔知大家仲睇唔睇到呢?
內藏磁石的後裙甲及彈匣, 彈匣可除下.
睇返自己個blog, 原來炮吉第一篇製作已係08年8月, 即前前後後砌左年半.
係就係慢o左d, 但係能夠完成自己一個心願, 真係幾滿足o架. 亦都算係還o左一次笑笑團債吧. 下年, 又要還隻欠下的哥邦迪呢~~~
下年主題, 新任團長雖然未公布, 但係都呼之欲出吧.
..... 會否.... 我又再一次欠下模型債?!!
回覆刪除[版主回覆02/12/2010 19:35:00]拖你咁耐至出呢篇blog, 真係唔好意思
無得頂, 外型非常有型, 由其是對腳, 令到隻炮吉好踏實同有份量, 我個人覺得仲靚過B CLUB改件~
回覆刪除波哥無改錯名~ "好波"
[版主回覆02/12/2010 19:48:00]thx!! 我好喜歡你"踏實"呢個形容詞 . 以後要大家繼續多多指教至得.
It looks much better here than the only photo on the calendar. No wonder people like this GM after 207. It's really a quality piece of work!
回覆刪除One little problem about the model though. If I were you, I would not have put the rifle on the right hand. Holding the weapon on the left hand not only balances the appearance of the MS but also has no aiming problem to the MS.
[版主回覆02/12/2010 23:40:00]thx!! At the beginning I plan to have a 08MS-team-type shield on the left hand and a m/c gun held by its right hand. But after I finished the body, it seems too cumbersome to have both equipments for a little GM. So I discarded the shield and kept the gun. Yeah, now it would be much balanced if the gun is held by the left hand. .
[版主回覆02/12/2010 23:50:00]唔係我進軍日本呀 , 係JKL兄連絡MG版主擺笑笑團月曆各製作者的link上去, 我至搭搭順風車咋 .... 哥邦迪我一定會下年笑笑團交功課的. 不過如地理sir咁講, 207過o左又好似冇o左壓力, 會搞下其他o野先.
回覆刪除[版主回覆02/14/2010 10:14:00]多謝多謝
炮的齒輪部份很有型! 出來的感覺很不錯. 迷彩簡單得來, 挺好看.
回覆刪除[版主回覆02/14/2010 10:18:00]thx!! 呢個齒輪係我刻意要保持原設定的, 有人欣賞實在太好了 . 有呢個大齒輪, 希望可以帶出"msv味"啦.
好好! msv之王! 我突然諗到個問題, 佢pat pat 有兩個子彈匡, 但入彈位在背後...佢點換...? 算罷啦, 無聊問題...
回覆刪除[版主回覆02/14/2010 10:23:00]thx!! 係大河原氏設定, 唔關我事 個設定仲有個問題係彈匣在噴射器下方, 好似好危險下喎
回覆刪除[版主回覆02/14/2010 10:28:00]祝小望兄你 身體健康!! 虎虎 生威!!
回覆刪除[版主回覆02/14/2010 10:28:00]多謝
回覆刪除[版主回覆02/14/2010 10:30:00]thx!! 慢工就係, 細貨就唔講得嘞
回覆刪除新年到:祝 ball兄:
恭喜發財 新年出多o的正o既大作!
[版主回覆02/14/2010 10:53:00]恭喜發財 !! 新年進步 !! 來年要砌多兩件呀
終於都完成啦! 迷彩效果突出,整體配色既配塔又唔單調,nice! 最鐘意肩頭支大砲,detail既佈局處理唔錯~ 最後,祝新年快樂!身體健康!今年行大運!
回覆刪除[版主回覆02/15/2010 00:51:00]多謝 祝千影兄你 身體健康!! 虎虎 生威!!
回覆刪除祝新年快樂 新身體健康!
[版主回覆02/15/2010 00:56:00]量產成功當然唔會少king sir你一份啦! 祝king sir你 身體健康!! 虎虎 生威賺多d!!
祝 Ball Kei大人
[版主回覆02/15/2010 01:02:00]恭喜發財!! 祝felix兄你 生龍活虎 身體健康
KUNG HEI FAT CHOI! So good to see some work done, right! Nice conversion and good color scheme. I like the 甩青 actually, the more the better. The magnet parts is a great idea. Good finish afterall. By the way, I am still working on my baund doc. about 70% done.
回覆刪除[版主回覆02/15/2010 01:14:00]恭喜發財!! I am glad that I finally fininshed it.... Do post some update on your blog about your baund doc. long time no see you update la.... 祝Dr. So你 生意興隆 身體健康 !!
真係好正 如果出改件就好了~ HAHA
回覆刪除虎年快樂!! YA~
[版主回覆02/15/2010 01:20:00]有改件又點會少你一份... 祝熊霸你 生龍活虎 財源滾滾
回覆刪除[版主回覆02/15/2010 01:20:00]多謝多謝
回覆刪除祝 ball_kei你萬事如意!靚模滿屋!有heart有力!
[版主回覆02/15/2010 01:22:00]thx!! 祝alex兄你 生龍活虎 身體健康
祝波波新年快樂, 虎虎生威, 快啲砌哂啲MSV~
回覆刪除[版主回覆02/15/2010 01:25:00]砌哂啲MSV? 我都想呀... 祝JKL兄你 身體健康!! 虎虎 生威!!
Ball 哥祝你身體健康、心想事成、財源滾滾!!
回覆刪除[版主回覆02/15/2010 01:26:00]祝蟻兄你 生龍活虎 財源滾滾!!
回覆刪除祝 ball kei 健康財富長伴, 笑口常開如意....
[版主回覆02/15/2010 09:44:00]恭喜發財!! ROX兄今年要砌多兩件模型呀
祝ball_kei兄新年快樂, 虎虎生威!! 你只吉姆大炮越睇越靚 ~
回覆刪除[版主回覆02/16/2010 00:13:00]多謝!! 祝老頭子你 生龍活虎 財源滾滾!!
回覆刪除祝大家今年虎年行大運! 身體健康! 模型滿屋! 恭喜恭喜!!! ps. 整得好正呀! 我好鐘意格仔紋^^! 好波!
[版主回覆02/16/2010 00:32:00]隻老虎仔好cute喎 模型滿屋? 我家陣都已經係啦, 不過係未砌o既o者.... 祝joanna你 生龍活虎 青靚白淨!!
虎年快樂,身體健康!!! 波哥的老模改造真有一手,下一件大作會係咩呢?
回覆刪除[版主回覆02/17/2010 22:54:00]我真係得"改老模"呢道板斧.... 超可動, 裝燈都未敢挑戰. 下隻會開始砌上年電擊的未完成作, 時間多o左又想玩多d 野.
好型 !!
回覆刪除[版主回覆03/04/2010 23:17:00]多謝